C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s

May 2002

Margo Berdeshevsky

Robert H. Winner Award, 2002

Poetry Society
of America

Judge: Marie Ponsot
Paris, 2001
Who Were Those Pretty

Whom Beggars Call

What Kind

The Geese Are Back

Every Afternoon

Pele's Dark Landing

Loose Star

on hearing Pergolesi, a Friday Concerto

This Sentence

In The Falling of Late Fire Days
      Margo Berdeshevsky is originally from New York, where she was an actress for many years. She now lives in Paris and Maui, and reads her works on stages there and on others as diverse as Prague, Honolulu, Iowa, the Philippines, and Bali. Recent poems have appeared in Nimrod International Journal, The Southern California Anthology, Rattapallax, Van Gogh's Ear, Many Mountains Moving, Paris/Atlantic, Pharos, Bamboo Ridge, Angel Heirs, and Tears in the Fence. Her awards include Border's Books/Honolulu Magazine Grand Prize Fiction Award, Ann Stanford Award (Honorable Mention), Pablo Neruda Award (finalist). Ms. Berdeshevksy lived and worked in the House of Creation in Yalta at the invitation of the (former) Soviet Writers' Union. She was for many years a Poet in the Schools in Hawaii. Works recently completed include a memoir poetique, Vagrant, and a collection of poetry, The Breaking Book. Both await a publisher. A photographer as well, her images have been shown world-wide. An exhibit of her newest visual-poem-collages opened in 2001 at the Galérie Librairie Racine in Paris.
     Berdeshevsky is a Big City Litcontributing editor (Paris). Her writing and photography appear frequently on the magazine. She will be in New York for the PSA awards ceremony on May 2, which takes place in the New School's Tishman Auditorium (66 W 12th).