Apr '03 [Home]

Free Expression
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Where are Gilbert and Sullivan now that we really need them?
Alas, they've passed on to that great light opera company in
the sky. Had they somehow survived into our own time and place,
however, they certainly would have written something akin to the
following ditty, which describes the recent activities (and lack of
activities) of a once great Democratic Party.

Mike Silverstein
('The Wall Street Poet')

. . .
The Loyal Opposition
Mike Silverstein
('The Wall Street Poet')


To the top rungs of the government we naturally aspire.
Though second fiddle's cozy, it's still cozier up higher.
We know we're future leaders cause we never cause no fission.
When daring to be critical we always ask permission.

Democratic Party Chorus

No courage we've exhibited,
On issues we're inhibited,
Of gentle disposition,
We're the loyal opposition.


'Bout war and peace we're silent and our feelings are invisible.
Our pollsters say that conflict here just makes the voters miserable.
We1re never trapped by principle, clichés make us invincible,
When always you're convincible, you never need be wincible.


On our record we stand proudly, it's out there for all to see.
We have always talked up freedom and our faith in liberty.
For motherhood and brotherhood, for whales and for flood control,
Avoiding real action, all the noble virtues we extol.


Though most folks think we're nobodies, we have a plan for victory.
We'll point at a Republican and say:  "This guy is worse than me."
As long as we offend no one, as long as we are always mum,
As long as we the hard fights shun, we're bound to win that White House plum.

No courage we've exhibited.
On issues we're inhibited,
Of gentle disposition,
The loyal opposition.

[Evidently Mr. Silverstein composes on his lunch break, i.e., goes out with dogs
and Englishmen in the midday sun. Frank O'Hara found some shade.—Eds.]

Now what he contributed
Is globally distributed
For liberal revision and
Downloadable derision.

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