Sep '02 [Home]

Big City Lit Contest Selections

Here are the results, with thanks to all participants for the talent applied to conceiving, the care taken in presenting their submissions, and the patience in awaiting this response to them.

We invite contestants and readers to reconsult the magazine for follow-up announcements.

The Editors

. . Poetry Chapbook Dual Winning Selection:

Ryan Van Cleave of Green Bay, Wisconsin for The Chicago Letters
Baruch November of Manhattan for Dry Nectars of Plenty

Poetry Chapbook Finalists:

Stan Friedman of Manhattan for The Dirty Truth About Toast
Susan H. Case of Manhattan for Newtonian Physical
Richard Levine of Brooklyn for To Find the World Still
Martin Galvin of Chevy Chase, MD for Shouts and Whispers

Poetry Chapbook Special Mention:

Peter Aaron of Seattle, Washington for The Dust of Mothwings
Anne Blonstein of Basel, Switzerland for in the house of nettles

Winning Selection(s): Individual Poem

John Morris of Arlington, VA for "The Comforter" (prior publ. Prairie Schooner) and for "Seven Years" (prior publ. Inkwell Magazine)


Special Mention:

Dan Maguire of Maple Shade, NJ for "Martin Leahy's Toys"
Ben Roberts of Ogden, VT for "Mortification of the Flesh"

Note:  After considerable deliberation, the editors decided to make no outright winning selection in the fiction category. We believe that conferring the distinction associated with such an award would tend to misrepresent our estimation of the contestant work actually received relative to the discernibly higher quality of work which we have been privileged to publish without fanfare in regular issues of the magazine. While we appreciated and enjoyed many of the contest submissions, we take this unusual action out of respect for the accomplishments of those other authors.